domingo, 23 de junio de 2013


Photo: Mauro Burzio - from Yasuni ITT

The Ecuadorian Amazon needs your support!

This year began with full force, hope and solidarity. The Ecuadorian Amazon has been seriously threatened by the current extractivist policy. Nevertheless, movements are gaining strength and uniting to achieve the impossible: protecting what’s left of the Amazon. We thank your support and solidarity!
There are over one million signatures on the petition to protect the Amazon.

1,083,154 have signed. We’re going for 1,250,000
The petition is addressed to President Rafael Correa, requesting him to protect the Amazon from devastation, oil exploitation and to respect Ecuador’s Constitution.

What about you, have you signed the petition yet?

February 2013 bulletin
Shyris E9-38 y Bélgica esq. Edf: Shyris Century
Oficinas 12 e y f, Quito – Ecuador

Copyleft 2013 – Fundación Pachamama

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