domingo, 23 de junio de 2013


To: His Sanctity, Pope Francis I 
From: Those affected by Chevron-Texaco in the Amazon
May 6, 2013.

His Sanctity, Pope Francis, Apostolic Palace 00120, Vatican City.

To his Holiness Francis I:

     “Start by doing what’s necessary, then what’s possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” 

       Saint Francis of Assisi proclaimed these words 800 years ago. In spite of so much time and distance, it seems like these words were uttered by us; because, this quote summarizes our endless struggle. We live in the northern area of Ecuador’s Amazon region. Today, the communities affected by the Chevron-Texaco oil company address you, your Holiness, because we know how much you love life and respect the environment.

     The work lead by the American company, Chevron-Texaco, has left 30,000 people affected. We appeal to you, Holy Father, moral leader of the Catholic Church and of humanity, to request your guidance and prayer. Both settlers and indigenous peoples of Ecuador’s Amazon have filed a trial against this oil company for over 20 years. Out struggle began because the company contaminated our home by freeing toxic waste derived from petroleum onto our soil, into our rivers and creeks; which are the main water sources for those of us who live in the area.
    The fight for justice has been ongoing for two decades; with insufficient resources, armed with only our faith, hope, goodwill and the desire to reach what seemed to be impossible to many: cleaning up the Amazon. Day by day we wake up believing that truth will prevail and that in the end there will be work done to repair all the harm that has been caused. You should know that this is an epic struggle: a community that faces one of the largest companies in the world and with each step we take our faith grows stronger. The prayers we have raised to the heavens have been so many, thousands even. While time goes on, the damage to our soil persists, silent but with graver cruelty. Your Holiness should know that in the area we live in (the Ecuadorian provinces of Orellana and Sucumbios) have the highest cancer rate in the country, the average is 3 to 1, all due to contamination.
    This oil company spilled 60million gallons of toxic water into creeks and rivers. It did so, not because of lack of knowledge but to avoid costs. -8.31billion dollars is how much it would cost to put the residues back into the tanks. This is why we can no longer use our water. Instead we have to buy it ($1.20 USD per gallon) or collect rain water.
    Water is not the only contaminated element, also the soil. Verdict 1, on 2 instances, acknowledges that the oil company opened 880 wells, each 25 by 50 meters with a 3 meter depth. Others were covered with dirt or with waste. This is how the company tried to state that it had repaired its wrongdoings. 
    That’s not all they have done to us. They have also affected our environment and the lifestyle of our ancestral communities. Two of them disappeared forever, the Tetetes and the Sansahuari peoples. The damage caused to our brothers and our homes is uncountable. Our land no longer wants to produce. Moreover, they are insatiable, changing our way of life, altering one of the planet’s lungs is not enough; they slander against us. They call us liars and make up evidence to detach themselves from any responsibility of all the harm they’ve caused.
    For all the aforementioned points, we come to you. The only thing we ask for is justice and for those responsible to take responsibility. The truth is on our side, it is our strongest weapon. That’s why we pursue our struggle. We fight for our lives and for everyone else’s- for our brother the armadillo, our sister rodent, our brother crocodile – so they can live peacefully in their habitat. So the Amazon can be the world’s lung once again. To conclude, so that what seems impossible today can become a reality tomorrow.
    We know and trust that in God’s eyes the fight for justice is well seen. Because it is a struggle for life, which is why we address you with all due respect to request that you include us in your prayers.  We, the men and women affected by the operations carried out by the Chevron-Texaco company always keep you in each and every one of our prayers.
    As you, your Holiness, told President Rafael Correa: “Men pardon from time to time. Nature never forgives and if we mistreat it, it will crush us.”

Thank you, or as we say here: may God repay you.

Sincerely yours,

Humberto Piaguaje Lucitante

Coordinator of the Affected People’s Union (UDAPT)
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