The January route was accomplished this last Sunday in Nueva Loja, Sucumbios. With this 16th edition, two thirds of the 21x24 Challenge are overcome.
It rained very hard last night and left with runners dodging some rain puddles. Denis Cazar came from Riobamba and offered to run again in the Galapagos route. Franklin Jara appeared after missing a few months. In his words:"It was a pleasure to run back to those beautiful places”. He said he would start in January and there he was.
Andrés Castillo, member of the team lived in Sucumbíos 32 years ago during the military draft and the whole journey he was narrating his experiences in the jungle. Another founder of the Challenge, Patricio Chavez, had to hold back and go with the group due to the hazardous area.
They run part in asphalt and jogged the rest in a dirt and stoned trail, while very few people in the roads looked at them kind of surprised. A reporter yesterday said “in Lago Agrio runners have never run 21 kilometers ... can you run just 10k?
Sorrounding La Perla (short for Ecological and Recreational Lago Agrio Park) they were accompanied by the croaking of giants frogs, singing birds, rain and fresh air. The arrival was spectacular as Gladys Granda, head of the Park, had prepared a canoe ride across the lagoon Psasa Pari Jaira. The riders were transported to a sanctuary of silence, peace and wildlife.
That is why the physical effort to run 21 km every month, and mental sacrifice that involves coordinating the project. It's worth fighting in favor of the rainforest and its thousands of species.
Hola amigos les felicito q corran x esta buena causa como es la d defender el Yasuni. Una pregunta, en este evento puede participar todo aquel q desea? hay un premio para la persona q llega primero? cuales son los incentivos para todos los participantes? Espero q m mis preguntas sean respondidas d parte suya y reitero mis felicitaciones a los organizadores d este evento.